Random Light Color Generator

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What are Light colors?

Light colors are high-value, low-saturation hues, often associated with daylight or illumination. They reflect a significant amount of light, appearing closer to white than black.

How are random Light colors generated?

For every random generator mode on our website, we have a set of constraints specified in the OKHSL color space.

The constraints used for Light colors are:

Color Channel (OKHSL)Range
HueFull Range
Saturation50% - 100%
Lightness80% - 100%

A high Lightness value will generate a color that is closer to white and a medium-high Saturation value will keep the color from being too gray. The Hue is selected from the full range to produce every possible light color.

The set of constraints was chosen and fine-tuned based on manual testing and could be improved in the future. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to drop us a message with any suggestions!